Friday, April 5, 2013

More Information

Teaching your children sign language isn't prohibited nor suggested. It's your own personal choice as to what you choose to do and how you do it.
What we teach our children and how we teach it is up to us we just need to be aware of both sides.


-You have to be consistent with using the signs.

-If you don't use the verbal words as well as the sign it can hinder their speech.

-It takes time to teach the children the signs.

-You have you have to be able to remember the signs as well.

-If no one else in your family or teacher uses the signs they won't know how to help your children.

-Once they have learned sign they may not be as inclined to use words and just use signs.

-Baby sign is not all completely the same as ASL that is used, so they could get confused when around other signs.

-Wide variety of signs that are used it's not all the same.



-"The most important benefit to using sign language with your infant or toddler is his increased ability to use language to communicate. Teaching your baby or toddler signs that correlate with needs and desires will give hime the confidence to communicate."

-"Professor Linda Acredolo (U.C.Davis), and Professor Susan Goodwyn (C.S.U.)...research baby sign language. Their research shows that signing babies have larger vocabularies and improved cognitive development. Baby Sign Language seems to help bridge the gap to speaking for infants. it also seems to get them more interested in learning.
In fact, if a baby has trouble speaking, most speech pathologists will teach the baby to sign as a bridge to speaking. The reason is that talking can be very hard and frustrating for babies. They try to form words but they don't quite come out right. For example, instead of  "ball" the child might approximate by saying "ba". When the words aren't recognized by the parents babies get frustrated and give up. When the baby does the accompanying sign, parents recognize and reward the approximate pronunciation. Over time as the babies speech gets better, they drop signing because it is too slow- much like a walking toddler stops crawling."

In addition to helping young children learn to talk they develop socially and emotionally examples are:
-Reduces frustrations, biting and other aggressive behaviors.
-Helps parents and teachers be more observant and responsive.
-Builds trust between children and their parents and caregivers.
-Allows children to share their worlds revealing just how smart they really are.
-Promotes positive emotional development.
-Boosts children's self-confidence and builds self-esteem.

Ways to Teach if you Choose

If you choose to teach your children there are many different options.

There is Baby Sign Language
-Kit that includes a chart, dictionary, guide book, flashcards

There is Baby Signing Time
-Videos - They each teach something different 
-Charts you can use to help remember

Another option is just use what you know or learn the basic words that will help with your children's needs, and desires.


Examples of What is Taught

Simple common signs that are taught

Thank You
